Thursday, February 6, 2020

Human Mind Through Telekinesis, Telepathy & Thoughtography

The human mind continues to be one of the most mysterious things in the world. Some believe that we use only a small portion of our brain. If that is true, it leaves one wondering just what we might be able to accomplish if we figured out how to use all of it.
There are many paranormal states attached to the mind. Many believe that psychics can tap into theirs to see things that most of us cannot.

Some psychics claim that they can actually see the human aura; the energy that surrounds us. This allows them to gage if someone is ill, troubled, or just plain evil; all by the color of their aura. Others can tap into our inner core to tell us where our souls have been, are currently going, and even where they might be headed in the future.
Many believe that the mind, through telekinesis, can actually move objects. However, extensive studies have been unable to prove the theory. Still, magicians continue to use the concept to explain how they bend spoons, levitate beautiful women, and cause objects to disappear in front of their audience’s eyes.

Others, using telepathy, can supposedly create thoughts that affect how we respond or even force us to act in a way that is foreign to our very nature. Many government studies around the world have explored this particular phenomenon with an eye toward using it as a potential weapon in future wars and conflict.

Another similar skill is called thoughtography. It is defined as the ability to project pictures onto unexposed film. In his book The World of Ted Serios: Thoughtographic Studies of an Extraordinary Mind, Dr. Jule Eisenbud claims to have documented this unusual type of psi phenomena.

According to Eisenbud’s book, a drunken hotel porter from Colorado by the name of Ted Serios could project images of objects, thoughts, and even feelings onto unexposed film. During the 60’s, a time when the exploration of unexplained phenomena was at the height of its glory, such claims literally rocked paranormal study.

Today, a few continue to believe that Serios was the real deal. The “thought” pictures published in Eisenbud’s book do look compelling, at least to the untrained eye. Some even resembled famous structures, places, and people that the subject was supposedly able to recreate on film.

Theories, of course, ran rampant. Many suggested that he might have used some type of the mind-expanding drug that allowed him to accomplish his thought pictures. However, the use of such drugs was not well known during the height of Serios’s popularity.
Others suggested that his mind might have been tampered with in some other way. Yet, medical testing proved inconclusive on that front.

In truth, the answer was likely much simpler. Many believed that Serious was far sharper than his demeanor might have indicated. They suggest that he came up with some kind of device that he could, by slight of hand, slip into the paper tube he supposedly used as a conduit between his head and the camera taking the photographs.
Several witnesses of Serios’s performances claimed to have seen him slip something into the paper tube that he called his “gizmo.” However, individuals invited to closely examine the tube and the camera never caught him with anything. The evidence remains inconclusive.

Obviously, there is somewhat of a link between that which we define telekinesis, telepathy, and thoughtography. It therefore stands to reason, that if one of these forms of mind manipulation is fake, the others might be as well. Unfortunately, that seems to be a subject on which no one can quite agree. Check this book about telekinesis ability.

There is, however, no denying that magicians use various forms of these techniques to influence the beliefs of their audience members. Maybe that is the truest condemnation of these supposed mind blowing feats. After all, a trick is a trick even if you cannot figure out how it works.

On the other hand, can we be certain that such skills don’t exist. Some clairvoyants, psychics, and mediums have impressive records behind their claims to fame. If they can use their minds to tap into information that we need, is it so far fetched to believe that those same minds might still hold other psychic powers?

When I worked as a nurse, I was constantly called on the carpet for getting too involved with my patients on a personal level. Sister Julianna continuously harped on my empathic abilities. While she in many ways envied that I could somehow get in to “feel” the raw pain and anguish of those I cared for, she also felt that those deeply rooted connections could destroy me.

I do believe that some people are more naturally empathic; that they can literally “feel” the anguish of others. If I have any of that ability, it is most likely on a very small scale. However, I do know that it has caused me a great deal of pain over the years when I realized that I could not effectively change what was going to happen to those around me that I loved.

I think that the human mind is amazing. I also believe that we haven’t even yet begun to explore its many possibilities. However, that exploration might prove to be a double edged sword. If history has taught us anything, it is that skills that can be used for good can also be used for evil. That is, unfortunately, the real quandary that we face and will continue to face as we reach out to explore the unknown.


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